Sunday, March 21, 2010

Angelique's Afterthoughts: Saturday 3/13

Well, we're back. We survived our week in DC, and I'd like to think we're all the better and wiser for it (as well as a little more sleep-deprived, but that's besides the point). As Lee-Ellen mentioned, the plan is for each of us to reflect upon the experience, day-by-day, and report something that was of particular importance to us. Here is my first attempt at doing just that.

We arrived on Saturday. Our initial plan was to meet Lee-Ellen and her daughter at the Steinbruck Center around 5pm...unfortunately, some nasty weather decided to change our plans a bit. After dealing with flight delays and cancellations (and a wrong-turn on the subway, as difficult to manage as that might seem), we finally were together at the Steinbruck Center by almost 9pm.

I can't help but see a connection between the disturbance in our well-laid plans, and the disturbances the homeless have faced in their plans. We didn't plan on arriving at the Steinbruck Center after dark and in the rain, but were at the mercy of forces outside of our control. None of the homeless individuals I met and spoke with mentioned that their life-plans had included becoming homeless. We're all subject to forces outside of our control. So far I've been lucky enough that, while I've certainly dealt with my fair share of "changed plans", at the end of the day I have a roof over my head and enough food to eat. The people we met and worked with have unfortunately not been so lucky in their own lives.

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